Erscheinungsdatum: März 2018
The yearbook supplements the statistical market data published in "ISL Shipping Statistics and Market Review" (SSMR). The yearbook is recognized worldwide as a standard statistical work for the maritime sector and has been created and designed by ISL experts especially to cover the information needs of shipping companies, shipyards, port operators, brokers, banks, consulting companies, and research establishments.
Since it offers plenty of information in a compact and concise form, the yearbook is not only a statistical work of reference for a large amount of interesting data on transport and related industries, but it is also a valuable market analysis instrument. The data not only stem from the institute's own data bases but are also collected from a variety of sources worldwide.
The focal topic areas of the yearbook are:
Shipping Market
- In-depth analyses of the world merchant fleet
- Data on world seaborne trade and relevant information on the development of world trade
- Detailed overviews of about 30 world commodity markets
- Time series tracing the development of freight rates
- Individual profiles on selected shipping nations
- Analysis of the world shipbuilding market
- Information on the current situation of major shipbuilding countries
- Market analysis according to ship types
Ports and Sea Canals
- Statistical surveys on ship and goods traffic in selected ports worldwide with a special focus on container traffic
- Transit traffic volume on the world's major ship canals